STREET CULTURE FOR REGIONS est un projet européen, financé par Erasmus+ qui vise à accompagner les entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses dans le secteur des cultures urbaines.
Les cultures urbaines (ie. street culture) représentent un domaine vaste et informel, qui couvre l’ensemble des pratiques culturelles, artistiques et sportives issues de l’espace urbain. Elles incluent : street art, art visuels, foodtruck, sports (hip-hop, skate…), musique, mode etc.
C’est aujourd’hui un secteur qui offre de nombreuses opportunités économiques.
STREET CULTURE FOR REGIONS prévoit plusieurs actions :
Description du prix
Le « Prix de l’entrepreneuriat des cultures urbaines » organisé dans le cadre de la 5ème édition du Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine récompensera deux initiatives de projet “cultures urbaines” en Nouvelle Aquitaine, pour des projets ayant moins de 3 ans d’existence.
Premier prix : 1500€
2ème prix : 500€
👉 Date limite des candidatures : 23 octobre à minuit
Lien pour candidater :
10 candidat·es seront sélectionné·es sur la base des candidatures écrites, pour venir présenter leur projet lors d’une grande soirée de pitch organisée dans le cadre du Forum Entreprendre pour la Culture en Nouvelle Aquitaine, organisé par L’A. Agence culturelle Nouvelle-Aquitaine avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture
Rendez-vous le vendredi 28 octobre à 14h pour un atelier en ligne de formation avec Baptiste Lafon de Décalez! sur comment présenter son projet et convaincre un jury
Rendez-vous le lundi 7 novembre à Chapitô, Bègles
12h – Déjeuner (les repas du midi sont pris en charge par Le LABA)
14h – 3h de préparation avec Baptiste Lafon de Décalez et Maud Gari du Laba.
« Soirée de remise des prix » : présentation des 10 projets devant un jury de professionnels :
🔹Patrick Duval, Directeur de Le Rocher de Palmer
🔹Anne-Helene Frostin, Responsable du service Arts Visuels, Design et Cinéma à Ville de Bordeaux
🔹Ilyes Falami, Fondateur et directeur de l’association Foksabouge
🔹Annabelle Tallet, facilitatrice de Chapitô de la Ville de Bègles
🔹Noémie Benayoun, Chargée de mission Création et Initiative régionale, Département Cinéma et Audiovisuel à ALCA Nouvelle-Aquitaine
🔹Nicolas Barrière, Coordonnateur Général du Cabinet Musical du Dr Larsène
Ce prix est organisé par le LABA, producteur de projets européens culturels basé à Bordeaux et pôle d’expertise sur les financements européens, qui œuvre dans le domaine des industries culturelles et créatives, l’entrepreneuriat, la formation, l’évaluation, la communication, la gestion de projets interculturels.
26 OCTOBRE 2022 – Communication des résultats aux 10 lauréats sélectionnés par mail
28 OCTOBRE DE 14H à 14h30 – Rendez-vous online de 1h pour les préparer à la soirée du 7 novembre : apprendre à se connaître, préparer les intervention, trucs et astuces avec un professionnel du pitch de la compagnie DECALEZ :
Qui peut postuler au prix?
Toute personne ayant un projet concret de moins de 3 ans dans le domaine de la street culture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
La candidature sert de base au processus de sélection ultérieur, au cours duquel les participants pitcheront leur projet face au même jury lors de l’évènement du 7 novembre.
Qui sont les partenaires du projet européen ?
Le projet est financé par la Commission européenne, il est coordonné par East Belfast Entreprise LTD (Royaume-Uni) dans le cadre du projet européen financé par Erasmus+ Enseignement et Formation professionnelle en partenariat avec :
Quand puis-je poser ma candidature ?
Dès maintenant, les candidatures peuvent être déposées en utilisant notre formulaire de candidature. Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 23 octobre minuit.
Que se passe-t-il après l’envoi du formulaire ?
Nous vérifions toutes les candidatures reçues et examinons attentivement qu’elle rentre dans les critères mentionnés ci-dessus. Le jury fera une sélection de 10 lauréats qui participeront à la session de préparation au pitch.
Les 10 candidats sélectionnés recevront un courriel de notre part autour du 26 octobre avec des détails sur les rendez-vous à venir.
Pour toute question, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter :
Confidentialité des données
Dans le cadre du projet, nous sommes amenés à traiter certaines données personnelles concernant les utilisateurs. Ces traitements sont réalisés dans le respect de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés (” Loi Informatique et Libertés “) et du Règlement européen du 25 mai 2018 relatif à la protection des données (” RGPD “).
*Selon la loi européenne sur la protection des données de 2018, vos informations feront partie d’une base de données appartenant au coordinateur du projet dans le but de vous contacter pour toute documentation. À aucun moment, les données ne seront divulguées. Si vous souhaitez exercer votre droit d’accès, de rectification, d’annulation ou d’opposition, veuillez nous contacter.
Financé par l’Union européenne. Les points de vue et avis exprimés n’engagent toutefois que leur(s) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de l’Union européenne ou de l’Agence exécutive européenne pour l’éducation et la culture (EACEA). Ni l’Union européenne ni l’EACEA ne sauraient en être tenues pour responsables.
Bonne chance avec votre candidature !
Our partners from Poland, Denmark, France, and Ireland travelled to the beautiful city of Belfast in June 2022 for our fourth transnational meeting.
We had an extensive and fascinating discussion regarding all the project deliverables at this meeting. The European E-Learning Institute, our Danish partners, presented their final ideas for our Entrepreneurship App, which is on its way, so keep a look out!!
Our wonderful hosts, East Belfast Enterprise, gave us a tour of Belfast’s street art scene and showcased some very unique and outstanding skills from both local and foreign artists.
To find out more about Belfast’s street art scene, have a look at
SEEK Urban Arts Festival was established in 2019. Drawing on the rich heritage of the town – historically, culturally, geographically and mythologically, the vision of the festival was to help people reconnect with some of our unique moments in history and at the same time enjoy the very visual aspect of the outdoor art gallery we create.
The curation of artists is pivotal to the success of the festival, and in its inaugural year SEEK Urban Arts was delighted to attract some of the best outdoor muralists and urban artists to Dundalk. Every year each artist is tasked with painting a large-scale mural illustrating a character or moment from Dundalk's rich history and heritage. As the festival evolves we look forward to welcoming even more of the world’s biggest artists as we continue to tell Dundalk’s unique story through the wonderful medium of art.
SEEK Festival is centred on promoting contemporary urban art in Dundalk, Ireland. By commissioning established and emerging artists locally, nationally and internationally, we aim to promote the town culturally and artistically, repositioning the area as a vibrant hub for creativity.
SEEK 2022 will highlight the important influence art can have in the public domain, its role as a catalyst for change, helping reinvigorate and refresh some of our town centre spaces. The themes behind the artwork will be instrumental in telling Dundalk's story and connect people to our history and heritage.
Culturally Dundalk has been shaped over the ages, with many historical figures and events. With our outdoor art gallery, we hope to generate and inspire local pride and help to forge a new identity based on creativity, while still celebrating our past.
To find out more about the festival, go to
Esch sketch … Luxembourg’s second largest town is full of wonderful street art. Photograph: Chris Vandermerghel
From Penge to Sardinia, exuberant street art makes neighbourhoods more vibrant and casts light on local history and culture – or just gives you a laugh
Winning trip:Artistic highs, Esch, Luxembourg
The European Capital of Culture 2022 Esch-sur-Alzette (or simply Esch) is full of beautiful urban art. Some of it refers to the city’s industrial past, some of it to its modern cultural development and local heroes. Many of them are as high as the buildings they figure on which creates a spectacular impression. Artists come from all over the world, Dulk from Spain, Mantra from France for example, to realise their projects with the support of the city of Esch. It is hard to choose a favourite. They provide the city with colour and character and are a statement to all who visit. Here be art! I simply love it. - Chris Vandermerghel
Bristol is synonymous with music and street art and there is no better example of the two combined than the massive One Love DJ Derek mural, created by some of the finest street artists in the world. Inkie, Hazard One, Kosc and Zed in the Clouds painted this colourful and vibrant tribute to the enigmatic DJ. It is a celebration of the multicultural approach Bristol holds close to its heart. The major scoop for all you street art fans is that an augmented reality experience centred on the mural is soon to be announced. It celebrates Derek’s life and 40-year DJ career, was created by digital artist Marc Marot and is accompanied by music from Bristol legends Laid Blak. It can be found near junction 2 on the M32 in Eastville.
Jonathan Savage
To read more on the beauty of street art, head to
Well, you really couldn’t get any more authentic if you tried. If you are a Game of Thrones® fan then visit Northern Ireland and go on a specialist-guided tour with Giant Tours very own Hodor on a Game of Thrones® tour.
Flip has a background in environmental science and has years of experience volunteering with the RNLI and Coastguard rescue and previously worked as a Ranger and Guide at the busy Giant’s Causeway UNESCO Heritage Site and at the thrilling Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.
But when Game of Thrones® Season 6 was in production, whilst working at The Rope Bridge site, Flip had the good fortune of being spotted and selected to be a stand-in actor when Game of Thrones® Directors visited the Kingsmoot set. Following this and then having appeared in three episodes on the show for the major ‘larger than life’ characters of The Mountain and Hodor, people now on his tours have the opportunity to hear the copious amounts of behind-the-scenes stories from Flip’s filming experience. Hodor was a much-loved character and Flip was involved in the actual scenes that led to his tragic and extremely sad end in The Door!
Following this experience and as a huge fan of the HBO Hit Series, with a passion for the North Coast, Flip enrolled on a tour guiding course, bought a lovely VW van, created a brand, and has never looked back since. He created his own Game of Thrones® Private Tours based in the beautiful town of Ballycastle, that is the mid-point on the Causeway Coastal Route and at the heart of the many filming locations. Bringing fans to the actual locations and spots, in Flip’s backyard, where the iconic cast and talented crew work to create the masterpiece which has enchanted people around the globe.
This tour allows visitors to immerse themselves in the stunning places which have made Northern Ireland the ideal filming location by going off the beaten track with tourists who were keen to avoid the more crowded tourism hotspots that will bring you to places which can’t be reached on large coach tours. It’s Flip’s authentic experiences which enables him to bring small groups of dedicated Game of Thrones® fans to see and stand on the exact locations which most visitors do not get to.
To find out more about Giant Tours Ireland, go to
P.Porto, our incredible Portuguese friends, welcomed us to their beautiful region at the end of March 2022. Partners from Poland, Ireland, Denmark, and France gathered to collaborate on the project results and have excellent discussions.
At the meeting, output 3 saw its completion of Entrepreneurship Open Educational Resources, which are now available on our project website. Our Danish partners EUEI presented and discussed their intentions for the IO4 Entrepreneurship App which will be coming very soon; stay tuned for updates.
To see our Entrepreneurship Open Educational Resources, go to
By Sara Girvin
BBC News NI North-East Reporter
The Dark Hedges in Armoy in County Antrim draw crowds of tourists every day
It is estimated to have brought £251m into the economy since production began in 2010, according to the region’s film agency NI Screen. Over the same period, the organisation gave £15.95m in production funding to the hit fantasy drama series. But that was a worthwhile investment, says NI Screen’s chief executive Richard Williams. “It’s been a game changer for the screen industry,” he said.
“This is the biggest show of the decade and certainly within industry terms everyone knows that it’s being made in Northern Ireland. “That has revolutionised our standing in the screen industry all around the world.”
They suggest that 350,000 people come to Northern Ireland every year just for Game of Thrones – that is one in six leisure visitors. It is estimated they spend £50m each year.
To find out more about street culture for regions and the effect it has had on Northern Ireland’s economy, follow the link:
We are a dynamo of cultural change, in our city, in our region, in our country. We try to meet current demands, building bridges between the academia, the world of work and civil society.
We rank fourth among first-choice higher education institutions, and fifth in number of students. In formal education, our aim is full employment of our graduates and post-graduates. To guarantee it, we clearly align our educational portfolio with the needs of the business and social world. We build strategic cooperation with the local economic agents, and contribute with concrete solutions to real problems. We cooperate with and are a critical mass. We are an international community that stems from cooperation within a 300-entity network spread over four continents. Our DNA: transform potential into advantages. We encourage a culture of innovative, applied research, carried out in an educational atmosphere both irreverent and transversal, and focused on practice. It is not enough to be one of the best. It is not enough to rank well among first-choice institutions. To expand what distinguishes us, the P.PORTO balanced profile of knowledge and academic and applied skills, is what really matters. Establishing partnerships and innovating. National and internationally.
Short description:
The organisation “Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups – EDRA” (Abbreviation: K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA”) is a Non-Profit Organisation- Social Cooperative, operating in the fields of mental health and intellectual disability since 2001, raising awareness on matters concerning mental health and defending the rights of vulnerable groups.
K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA” operates in the following sectors:
K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA is also very active in the field of EU projects, having coordinated multiple large scale projects under Erasmus+ (KA2, Sport) and Creative Europe (Culture) Programmes, as well as having participated in numerous projects as a partner. The priorities of these projects primarily concern:
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AHE is a place that shapes your creative approach to the world.
AHE prides itself on developing people's inner potential.
The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz was established in 1993. It is one of the largest non-public institutions of higher education in Poland.
The university has more than 20 faculties and offers a wide choice of subjects, including five courses in English. The curricula of the courses are constantly updated according to market demands.
One of the most distinguishing features of our university is that each student benefits from an individual approach to learning needs. For each year of study, we use the method of projects and workshops, whereby the students develop their competencies and shape attitudes needed to succeed in life and career.
In terms of higher education, the University of Humanities and Economics has over 20 years of experience in bringing the potential of people who decided to study here and shapes them to be creative and successful. In our way of education, creativity is the main ingredient. Creativity is a competence exclusive to humankind and, it allows us to change, or in some cases, break the routine and what everyone knows and propose something new and innovative.
So unlike many other schools for higher education, AHE also supports student's development in creative skills, the ability that allows them to go outside the patterns and stereotypes.
To achieve this, the university offers activities such as:
Our students can develop their ideas that solve problems present in the economy or personal life.