SEEK Urban Arts Festival

September 9, 2022

SEEK Urban Arts Festival was established in 2019. Drawing on the rich heritage of the town – historically, culturally, geographically and mythologically, the vision of the festival was to help people reconnect with some of our unique moments in history and at the same time enjoy the very visual aspect of the outdoor art gallery we create.

The curation of artists is pivotal to the success of the festival, and in its inaugural year SEEK Urban Arts was delighted to attract some of the best outdoor muralists and urban artists to Dundalk. Every year each artist is tasked with painting a large-scale mural illustrating a character or moment from Dundalk's rich history and heritage. As the festival evolves we look forward to welcoming even more of the world’s biggest artists as we continue to tell Dundalk’s unique story through the wonderful medium of art.

SEEK Festival is centred on promoting contemporary urban art in Dundalk, Ireland. By commissioning established and emerging artists locally, nationally and internationally, we aim to promote the town culturally and artistically, repositioning the area as a vibrant hub for creativity.

SEEK 2022 will highlight the important influence art can have in the public domain, its role as a catalyst for change, helping reinvigorate and refresh some of our town centre spaces. The themes behind the artwork will be instrumental in telling Dundalk's story and connect people to our history and heritage.

Culturally Dundalk has been shaped over the ages, with many historical figures and events. With our outdoor art gallery, we hope to generate and inspire local pride and help to forge a new identity based on creativity, while still celebrating our past.

To find out more about the festival, go to